Wildfires 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

So, as most already know there are many wildfires burning in Southern California. This weekend, Los Angeles got engulfed with smoke from several of the wildfires on either side of us. I have included some pictures from Getty Images from the fires to give a reality to what is going on. Even being here for just over a year it has become my reality to go on with my daily life, breathing in the ash and dealing with the headaches that accompany the smoke. The light the smoke creates is very orange with blue shadows. It looks like Golden hour 
all day. I have also included some maps to give a sense of how many wildfires are currently burning. 

                                     Southern California wildfires currently burning. 
Wildfires closest to the LA area. 
                                   The above image is Los Angeles on late Saturday 
                                                        and all day on Sunday. 

This image is from the trailer park that burned.

A man tries to protect his house while his neighbor's burns. 


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's unsettling. I can't imagine the effect of the smoke and am not surprised you're having headaches. They haven't said anything about evacuating LMU, have they? I think I read the fires are starting to burn themselves out or are being brought under control... is that true? Stay safe, Audrey!