The Beginning of the End

Saturday, December 6, 2008

So, I just realized that it has been almost three weeks since my last post. Where has the time gone? It is now that time which happens twice a year. It is finals time here at LMU and sleep seems to be the one thing that is lacking; however, caffeine seems to be abundant. Seriously though, caffeine is a mysterious and wonderful substance. Among all the craziness, sleep deprivation, and stress I have started to wonder if this is how it is supposed to be. I mean, when did not getting enough sleep, not eating regularly/healthy and being stressed out to the point of breaking beneficial to the learning process and academia in general? Last week, I was so stressed out that I could feel the effect it was having on my body. It was almost painful and I felt a lot of tension in my chest and stomach. I had to control my body mentally to calm down. My poor roommate Christine has been up for practically days, sleeping a few hours from the wee hours of the morning until sun up. Is a paper worth all this? 

This particular semester has been the most trying semester so far during my time at University and maybe that is the reason I have noticed this issue. I do not feel that under this sort of pressure and stress students perform at their highest level, and yet the finals are held with the heaviest weight in the overall grade. I just do not understand this logic. Thankfully, there is one more week until Christmas Break...just have to make it till then. :) 

Looking back on the past four months I see lots of growth, especially politically and socially, motivation, excitement, networking, and inspiration within myself. This period has been very difficult at times, but I feel as if so much good has come out of it that I wouldn't want to change anything. I have had so many wonderful opportunities and have had the chance to work with the most amazing people. My graduating class is filled with determination, work ethic, creativity, and extraordinary attitudes. It fills me with great pride to have been able to learn along side them and am hopeful that they will each make a name for themselves in their fields. For those who are worried about the next generation taking over, I would say you don't have to be too worried. We are not all crazy, irresponsible people.