Healthy Eating

Monday, April 20, 2009

Over the past couple of months I have been trying to get in the habit of using fresh organic vegetables in as many meals I make as possible. I usually buy fresh vegetables, but don't use them in a timely manner and then they end up spoiling. Same goes for fruits. So now, I buy less fruit and use the vegetables faster.  I feel as if it is my responsibility to Aaron and my future family to prepare meals that are wholesome and are filled with vitamins. I also try to mix up the meals too so I don't serve the same meal over and over. But I am working on this also. 

Opening Reception

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Last night was the opening reception for the Senior Thesis Show. We had a TON of people there the whole two hours and there were people still in the gallery until 7:30-8pm. Here are a few shots I captured towards the beginning of the evening. 

Website Updated

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I just updated my website and put up my thesis photographs. I also included my artist statement. It is certainly not like seeing the work in person, but it gives you an idea. The images in real life are actually very small. You can visit to view my work. More updates to hopefully happen soon.

Fade Out : Fade In

Thursday, April 9, 2009

After tomorrow, I will officially have only three weeks of classes and one week of finals left in this semester. It is exciting and very frightening all at the same time. I have been looking forward to this moment for four years and this is a huge accomplishment for me. When I started college, and the year leading up to it, I was not convinced I would pull through as well as I have. I knew deep down that I would make it out because so many others had done so before me. Looking back I think I could have studied a bit harder, been involved in more activities, and pushed myself to be more active in general. But, I believe that in the context of the last four years I did the best I could given the situations at the time. I made the best decisions I could, and pushed myself when I wanted to quit or crawl in bed and get some sleep or when if I got one more email I was going to delete my account. 

This past year has been the hardest year of my life so far, both physically and emotionally. I honestly can say I made it through last semester only by the huge graciousness of God. He also blessed me by helping me make the Dean's list. My mom showed me the letter I received only a few days after I had left Nashville for LA after Christmas Break. I want to have it framed as a reminder of what hard work will accomplish. I am very proud of that letter. 

In my mind I am preparing to go back to Nashville and hopefully work my little behind off so I can save us some money. I am also getting ready for the mental transition out of "student" and into career woman, artist, and wife. Three very loaded roles. I also have to start going through all of my things in preparation for Aaron and I's move to LA. I guess since Aaron will probably be staying in LA I will have to tackle his belonging too. Although, he doesn't really have too much. 

The senior exhibition will be opening this weekend. I am super excited. I was planning on getting my pieces fully installed this evening, but I have to get some of the wired moved around and to do that I have to take them back to the place I got them framed. I also noticed that one of the prints has something on it so I am going to have to get that reprinted in the morning and then have them replace the image with the new one. Something happened to the image at the framer and I just noticed it as I was cleaning the glass. 

I keep forgetting this weekend is Easter. It just isn't the same without being with family. We get Good Friday off from school which doesn't effect me because I do not have classes on Fridays anyways. In the South, religion is truly a part of the everyday. Here it is not. I miss that feeling. I hate that I am not continually thinking about Easter and what it means and celebrating with my family. My family always does something big for the holidays. That is one thing I will truly miss, but hope to continue with my own children, even if it is only with our church family or friend family. 

Raw Beauty

Friday, April 3, 2009

I have recently discovered some pretty amazing design blogs and I have begun collecting images to use as inspiration for my own home. I have come across a certain bathroom on two different blogs and though it should be shared. It is quite different than what one would see in the south, but its raw nature is simply stunning. I could look at these images all day. Especially the last image.