Wildfires 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

So, as most already know there are many wildfires burning in Southern California. This weekend, Los Angeles got engulfed with smoke from several of the wildfires on either side of us. I have included some pictures from Getty Images from the fires to give a reality to what is going on. Even being here for just over a year it has become my reality to go on with my daily life, breathing in the ash and dealing with the headaches that accompany the smoke. The light the smoke creates is very orange with blue shadows. It looks like Golden hour 
all day. I have also included some maps to give a sense of how many wildfires are currently burning. 

                                     Southern California wildfires currently burning. 
Wildfires closest to the LA area. 
                                   The above image is Los Angeles on late Saturday 
                                                        and all day on Sunday. 

This image is from the trailer park that burned.

A man tries to protect his house while his neighbor's burns. 

Update to Wednesday

Friday, November 7, 2008

After having a mental, physical, and spiritual breakdown on Wednesday (Wow, really? All three?!) , I am in a much better state. I called Aaron after writing the previous post to talk to him about what was going on in my head. He has always been the calm and logical one when I am going crazy. He also knows how to speak to me when I am worried and has a way of reassuring me everything will be fine. 

First we talked politics. He said that he doesn't think Obama will be as terrible as I think he will be. Aaron also said that the system we have in place is in place to keep one person from having total control, and hopes that it will serve this purpose during this administration. We talked about past presidents and how some are considered some of the worst leaders. And we talked about how he could be one of the best. It does seem as if we are due for another great president. 

Aaron and I then started talking about when Jesus was coming back and some of my fears wrapped around that topic. He said that he didn't think that me wanting to live life and have children, etc. was a bad thing. He said that it was probably normal as Life is a gift from God Himself. Aaron did say that spending all my time fearful of not living out my life was not what God wanted for me. (Which he was very right to say.) 

We also talked about this in the context of our relationship. Aaron and I got together under some pretty unusual circumstances to say the least. We have survived our senior year of high school, the first two years of college in a long distance relationship, and I was accepted into LMU so we could spend the last two years of college together. Aaron said he thinks God has a lot in store for us to have made it this far and not have broken up. I think so too. 

I am very thankful to be where I am in life. I am also very grateful to have had the experiences I have had the past few years. I know that it has made me smarter and shaped the person I am today. 

Some Thoughts on the Election

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Today, I woke up with a headache. In only a few hours it escalated to a full blown migraine. I only get migraines when I am super stressed out and worried, and this afternoon it got so bad that it took the medication almost two hours to work and I had to lay down. I should be doing homework right now, but I can't focus and though that writing about my anxiety would help. 

As I watched the several crowds in multiple cities last night and thinking about Obama's "Hope", "Yes we can", and "Change" slogans, I couldn't help but think about when Hitler was elected. He was all about hope and change. Well, there certainly was a lot of change, just no hope. I feel like there is so much uncertainty surrounding Obama. However, I want him to be a great President. I want him to prove me wrong and turn this country around. 

Also, because of the current economic status and the things that have happened recently, there have been talks that we are in the last days and Jesus will be coming back soon. I know that this is something I should be anticipating and excited about, but I can't help thinking that I want the opportunity to get married, have children and live life like everyone else has had the chance to do. I know this sounds very selfish of me, and I feel very ashamed that I am not more excited. I feel like this is a reflection of my relationship with God. I haven't felt as close to God as I have in the past in a long time. Ever since Matt Roden left BCC a little over three years ago, I haven't found another mentor to help me with my relationship with God. 

Going to school at LMU makes going to church very difficult. It is much more academically challenging and I haven't had a free weekend in months. Last year I went to Mosaic Community Church a few times. I am not a huge fan of the music, but it is tolerable. However, Erwin is an amazing speaker. The problem is that he comes from Pasadena to Beverly Hills Highschool and he gets stuck in traffic on the freeway very often. He also travels a lot. I feel as if this is not the right fit for me. I need my church to be stable. Mosaic meets in a highschool like BCC used to meet in the middle school. Erwin seems too stretched out for my taste and need. And because of our very busy schedules, Aaron and I haven't had time to search out some of the other churches in LA. 

Throw everything else that is going on in my life into these worries and I've got one huge headache. I also felt the stress and anxiety in my body today. I was breathing heavier and felt more on edge physically. I know part of it is that I am not eating regularly. What I eat is healthy; however, like today, I didn't have anything to eat until 3:30pm (except for a few almonds in the morning) and I scarfed down dinner. 

I know deep down inside my heart that God is in control and everything is going to be okay. I am just a worrier. Always have been and always will be. 

The Art of the Pursuit

Today has been quite an interesting day with LipSync sales, lunch meeting with a consultant, ROAR Network club pictures and the election. However, non of these top the most random, and yet interesting, occurrence that happened to me today. 

It started when I was selling LipSync DVDs at Convo. A guy I recognized from my Prison Literature class (which is directly after Convo) started talking to me about our Midterm exam we had the previous Thursday. I told him what I thought and we talked a little bit about the readings. (We have read 5 books, two essays, and 3-4 videos so far.) I had to drop off the DVDs and cart at ROAR and I told him I would see him in class. 

Well, we got out of class a bit early. I was making my way down the stairs and he came up beside me and asked how my Halloween had been. I replied that I had worked on the LipSync DVD Halloween night and all weekend as I was in charge of the production. He asked if I was a graphic designer and I told him that I was the Business Manager for ROAR, the reason why I was in charge. We made our way to Regents Terrace, just outside of the building where our class is held. Finally, he asked me if he could get my phone number so he could call me sometime so we could maybe get together and go out. I was quite surprised at the question as I have never been asked out before. I felt bad for him because I realized he hadn't noticed the ring on my finger. I politely informed him that I was engaged. I believe he was very surprised and a bit embarrassed at the fact he had just asked someone who was engaged out on a date. He proceeded to ask me how old I was and how long I had been with the person to whom I was engaged. I told him that I was sorry and we went our separate ways. He is a very nice person and I really hope he doesn't feel too bad about the situation. 

This honestly caught me off guard. As I mentioned before, I have never been asked out. I personally took it as a complement. These days I am not in the best shape. My hair needs to be cut and colored, I look tired, and I dress very comfortably. I guess if I can still attract interest in this very low state, I am in good shape. 

I know Aaron found this very amusing, but I also think he was a little offended that someone would ask me out. I find it very amusing and another weird twist to an already weird day. 

A Love for Production

Sunday, November 2, 2008

For the past four weeks, I have been managing the production of the 2008 Greek Week LipSync DVD. The event, LipSync, is the last event/competition during Greek Week where the Greeks put on a performance that tells a story and they have to lip sync to the music. ROAR Network filmed the event again this year and we are producing DVDs to be sold. I have over seen the filming, graphics, motion graphics, editing, and printing of both the DVD covers and the actual DVDs. 

Through this process, I have realized how much I truly enjoy managing large projects like this one. In the grand scheme of things, this is not a HUGE project, but for ROAR Network it is and for us students who have a lot going on it is very demanding of our time. However, I am getting really excited about seeing everything starting to come together. Last night I watched the first edit of the event and I made notes on what I wanted changed. I made a lot of notes, something I am sure Aaron was not happy about, but I liked the feeling of putting my vision for the project into action. The lead editor did a good job editing the event, but having overseen last year's LipSync DVD as well, I knew how I wanted to make this one different and also how I wanted the event to flow. 

I have talked to Aaron about this the last couple of days. I really miss Television Production and I can see that as something I would love to wake up every morning and go to work to do. He has been really encouraging about all of this and supports me in whatever I decide to pursue. I love my photography too. I have a little bit of time to decide where I want to head. I know that art will always be a part of my life no matter what I do, I am just overwhelmed at how my passion for production has come rushing back.