Monday, October 6, 2008
There comes a time in every semester where is seems all the faculty have a meeting and decide everything us students have been working on for the last six weeks will be due the very same week. Well, that week would be this week. Projects, midterms, and papers overflow this week. Currently, my left eye is bloodshot and my right eye twitches. Aaron said, "Its because of stress. Get used to it." That's very reassuring. At least I know WHY my eye twitches.
It always amazes me how professors act as if their class is the only class you are taking. I highly respect those Profs. who do acknowledge there are at least four other classes demanding our time. (In my case it would be five other classes) Not to mention work, which is very demanding in and of itself. I do most of my work when I am not in the office.
I know I will make it out alive. I always do. However, if you do read this and feel led, please say a little prayer for me. That everything falls into place, I am efficient with my time, and that nothing major comes up unexpectedly. I am also trying to finalize some things for the wedding, so please pray that I do not overlook anything. I am most forgetful these days.
Tomorrow I will definitely start my day off with a coffee. It will be Monday. Need I say more?
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