Let's Talk
Posted by Audrey Williams at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Part 4: Living in Asheville
Friday, November 20, 2009

ment sites, Craigslist and even the local paper. The jobs available in the areas I was looking were very slim. I would have found a great job, and fast, if I worked in the medical field. :)However, I was pursuing a job in the arts or something administrative. Craigslist would have several administrative postings, but most of them I replied to were spam. Over the course of August and the early part of September, I was very frustrated that I wouldn't find a satisfying job in time for when our student loans would begin to be due.
For those who don't know how we are doing our finances, let me explain. We are living solely on Aaron's income. All of my income is going to paying off our loans and building up our savings. This was actually recommended to us by our marriage mentors, as that is what they did. We both agreed that would be the smartest plan for our family. So far, we couldn't be happier with how things are going.
Continuing on, I became very down with the situation. I really didn't want to go into a job that I dreaded every single day. I wanted a job that made me feel a part of something and that had meaning and purpose. In my heart, I have always felt a pull to the church. (The church meaning the body and purpose, not a specific church.) Deep down I was hoping something would come my way.

It has taken a bit of time for us all to feel comfortable around each other and to truly become a team as I came into the picture. However, I feel the Lord blessing us with trust between one another and a presence of a true team spirit where we help each other beyond our own job descriptions. I believe this is the most essential quality to a good team. We have been working together to better our ministry and to better reach our students in a way that makes them respond and meets them right where they are.

The Lord continues to bless us every week in some form. Living in Asheville can at times be a blast, but it can also become boring at times, too. But we keep in mind that the Lord has brought us here for a reason and a little boredom isn't going to keep us down. (At least we try not to let it get to us. We realize it was only our friends back in LA that made us cool. :) )

Posted by Audrey Williams at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Part 3: The Honeymoon - Charleston, South Carolina
Monday, November 16, 2009
We got there late the day after the wedding. Since we had moved to Asheville and it was on the way, we unloaded our cars full of stuff which had been left in Nashville and gifts from the wedding. Then we continued on to Charleston. It was a day full of travel and we were glad to be in one place for a few days.
The first day we walked around the historic area of Charleston as that is where our hotel was located and Charleston is a walking friendly city. (Just so long as you don't trip over the hundreds of years old uneven sidewalks.) The city is filled with art galleries, restaurants, shops, historic buildings and churches. We especially loved the old cemeteries within the church gates. Loved seeing actual headstones.
Aaron and I also took a visit to the Charleston Aquarium. It was really cool to see all the wildlife from the area. We also decided to take a boat tour of the harbor and got to see Fort Sumter.
Aaron and I had a great time in Charleston. We will always remember the "scent" (a very old one). It was nice to get away after all the work on the wedding and it was also nice to come back to our new home and get settled.
Posted by Audrey Williams at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Part 2: The Wedding
Thursday, November 5, 2009
On August 14th, 2008, Aaron and I got engaged at Cheekwood Botanical Gardens. We had talked about getting engaged in December '08, so I wasn't expecting it until then. Needless to say, I was so very surprised when Aaron asked me to marry him on that day. The funny thing about that day, though, was that we had dinner plans that evening with one of Aaron's childhood friends and his parents. Aaron wanted to go to Cheekwood to "take pictures" and I was not happy about that as we didn't have enough time. I didn't talk to Aaron the whole way there. I was surprised that he kept insisting that we were going as, if I am that adamant about something, he will hear me out. But he wasn't this time. In the end, I was one very happy woman.
My goal with the wedding was for it to truly reflect Aaron and I and to not do the same thing everyone else does for their weddings. I was okay with the church being decorated a bit understated as the sanctuary itself was gorgeous. I didn't want my hair to be fussy. I wanted to look the way I usually do. I didn't want Aaron to not recognize me on our wedding day, but to see the girl he sees everyday.
The day of the wedding, I was much more calm than I thought I would be. Even after getting ready and having my pictures taken, I was calm. Up until the moment I was about to walk down that aisle, I was calm. I got a few butterflies right before I went down, but that was only because I was worried I would say the wrong thing, or trip or something.
The whole ceremony went off without any problems. It went by so fast. But I enjoyed it. I think that's all that matters.
I had the most fun at our reception. It was so good to be with our friends from high school and college again. And to be in the same place with all of them was the best! I danced more that I ever did at a prom. It was such a fun evening. It was a bit hot :), but I didn't care.
Posted by Audrey Williams Labels: Everyday Life, Wedding at 10:22 PM 0 comments
Part 1: Moving to Asheville
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
So, I thought I would start out by filling in everyone about all that has happened over the past several months. And let me tell you, a LOT has happened. First, we have to start with how we ended up in Asheville, North Carolina.
In May, Aaron and I graduated from LMU. It was such a bitter sweet time as we were graduating (thank you Lord! seriously) and we were preparing to leave our friends and our second home behind. Aaron had been searching for a job in Los Angeles since March and when graduation time came, there had been no bites. Lots of people interested, but no money to make a commitment to him at the time. So we threw all our stuff into a storage unit (as we still were expecting to move to Los Angeles) and headed back to Nashville.
When we got back to Nashville, Aaron and I both started looking for jobs during the summer. We had been there a couple of weeks when one Saturday night as Aaron and I were watching a movie waiting on a pizza, Aaron got a phone call from a man named Carl from Biltmore Baptist Church in Asheville, NC. During that conversation we found out that they had gotten Aaron's name from Maurilio Amorim, a very close friend of Billy and Brenda's and the owner of The A Group. Carl pretty much made it seem like they wanted to hire Aaron immediately. We were completely surprised and overwhelmed at this phone call. Especially since it came on a weekend.
Aaron and I had not even considered North Carolina. I mean, why would we? The plan was for us to move to Los Angeles. But what we didn't know is that God had other plans for us.
Aaron continued to speak with Carl and a couple of weekends later were able to drive to Asheville to visit the church and to meet Carl and the Lead Pastor, Bruce Frank. They took care of our lodging, bought most of our meals, and even had a welcome basket waiting for us in one of our hotel rooms. It was pretty weird for us to be courted by a church; however, we felt so welcomed and felt the excitement and the passion of Biltmore Baptist. It was definitely not the "baptist" church we both knew.
While we were there, we learned exactly how the church had found out about Aaron. In Aaron's attempt to find work over the summer, Aaron emailed Maurilio to see if he knew of any churches that might need some help as Maurilio's business mainly works with non-profits, especially churches. Aaron was thinking a local church and doing some freelance work for them. Maurilio was actually at a lunch meeting with Bruce Frank one day and Bruce mentioned to him that they really wanted to up the quality of the video and technical department and wanted to find someone who could create videos for them that would tell a story. We were told that literally a little over a mnute went by when Maurilio received Aaron's email. Maurilio responded to Aaron that he might have a contact, but we didn't really think too much of it at the time.
Aaron and I had been talking a lot about this decision that we faced. Go to Asheville, North Carolina and Aaron work as a video director and leave behind LA? Or move to LA where our friends were and back to a city that we had both grown to love? After hearing from Bruce how they learned of Aaron, we were pretty sure what our decision would be if they offered him the job. They had seen his website and LOVED his work. They just wanted to meet him at that point.
A week and a half later, Aaron was offered the job, he accepted, and he and his father were on a plane to LA to clean out the storage unit and ship some stuff to Asheville. A few days after that, we were loading a moving truck and my family, Aaron and I were headed to Asheville to move Aaron into our apartment. It was such a crazy time. Aaron worked for a month and then came back to Nashville the Sunday before the wedding.
Even though moving to Asheville wasn't in our plans, we know that God wanted us here and directed our paths here. He has provided so much for us with this change. We truly felt Him calling us to Asheville. We do struggle with some things from time to time, like finding friends that are our age and dealing with a bit of boredom. (Asheville is a city BIG on outdoor activities, which we don't mind at all. It just starts to slow down a bit as it starts to cool off. Plus, we are not used to this "cool" weather.) But God has started to bless us with friends and we are on a list to be apart of a Home Connect Group (small group) since we aren't able to participate in the Connect Groups on Sunday mornings since Aaron works. The Home Connect Groups are for couples only and meet during the week. We are super excited. We haven't really been too involved in anything since high school, mainly because there was nothing offered, but we know we will be blessed by the great community Biltmore has created through their Connect Groups.
Posted by Audrey Williams Labels: Asheville, Everyday Life, Work at 9:12 PM 2 comments