Tuesday, February 3, 2009
We finally have a reception location! Yea! We lost the gallery in the Factory, but being on the other end of this loss I know that it was a God thing. My Aunt Sherry found a wonderful space in Marathon Village downtown. It has a beautiful view of the skyline of Nashville and the reception will be around the time of sunset. I think it will bring in some great light. We see this venue as a blessing from God.
He has proven to be very faithful in providing for us during this whole wedding planning process. At the beginning of this whole process, I felt a lot of pressure for my wedding look a certain way and that there were certain expectations with my choices. After awhile, I just gave this time and day to God as it is a day he has created anyways. I believe the results will be even more wonderful than if I had attempted to do it all myself. I can become a bit controlling when it comes to this sort of thing, especially if it is supposed to be a reflection on me. I think I have learned to let some things go and enjoy this planning time. Many people have said to me that they wish they had enjoyed the planning time more. I have taken that to heart.
Some other things going on around here are Aaron is in the AIGA Emerge show at the new student gallery. It is a PSA motion graphics video he and his partner Grant made for their Creative Direction class last semester. The opening reception is on Saturday night and we are planning on attending the event. Should be a lot of fun.
Aaron and I are also working on his documentary. I am producing the doc for him. (Basically taking care of the permits, insurance...paper work that is involved.) We will be filming it over spring break. I am super excited. It has been over a year since I have worked on something like this.
This semester, Aaron and I decided to take a Jewelry class together. I had always wanted to take the class, but the time was what held me back, (Tuesday and Thursday 7:15-10pm) I am really glad that I did because I am loving it. We are just about finished with our first projects. I will post pictures soon. I love working with my hands and it brings a lot of gratification when you finish a project you have been working on for four weeks.
I am more involved with the student art gallery that opened this past fall. Students are able to apply for a show and the students that run the gallery decide who they would like to show. This semester they made a class out of the group and I was able to finally get plugged in more with the gallery. I was so busy last semester that I did not have enough time needed to be dedicated. We are learning how to properly install works of art. We worked on a contract that will be used between the gallery and the artists so everyone knows what is expected. Next week we will be discussing show layout. I have really enjoyed the experience and I know that it will be useful in the near future.
I am still working hard as the Business Manager at ROAR. We are currently looking for people to train to take over my position in the fall. All but two people on our executive staff are seniors and will be leaving after this year. Tonight we filmed and directed live an event that the Los Angeles Loyolan puts on every year called First Amendment Week. They have different speakers and events throughout a week discussing topics and current issues. Tonight the keynote speaker, Karl Rove, was on campus and spoke to LMU students. I was not able to hear him talk because of class. (I was able to see him when he came into the building) I have heard from my sources that there were a few "excited" people in the crowd. I know there were protesters outside the building before the event. I will not be able to see the footage until tomorrow. I cannot wait.
Yay on the reception location!...And I echo other gals who say they wish they had enjoyed their wedding more. Please, please have fun, Audrey. It sounds like you are, anyway. Keep it up!
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