Sunday, March 22, 2009
Lately I have been very unmotivated and uninspired. I have been told so much the past few years what to create and how I should create it and I am really tired of doing what others think I should do. I am ready to do what I want to do and create what I want to create.
I had a very refreshing and encouraging conversation with Aaron's dad, Billy, last night via Facebook. I think overall the conversation gave me courage and confidence in myself and in my work. I do believe that my work can improve, and it will with time. However, I truly believe that if I love my work, others will too. If I do not like what I create, how could I expect others to like it too? I can only stand by an image I find beautiful and worthy of recognition.
Since this conversation last night, I have felt liberated from these ties I felt holding me down. God blesses us with gifts and talents for a reason and I hope and pray that He will use them in a big way. I even has a great idea come to me as I was looking around the internet today. I don't want to say what it is yet, but I think you will like it. :)
I thought I would post the few images I took before Aaron proposed to me at Cheekwood. I could take photographs there all day. :) They are not great works of art, but it is neat to have a record of the things I was finding beautiful on that day.

Very good post (and not just because you mentioned me)
Here is a great quote from Henry Miller:
"We’re creators by permission, by grace as it were. No one creates alone, of and by himself. An artist is an instrument that registers something already existent, something which belongs to the whole world, and which, if he is an artist, he is compelled to give back to the world." -Henry Miller
Hey beautiful! You are so talented in many areas and I love your photographs! You capture the beauty God has made for us to enjoy while we are here. I think about you all the time. Hope all is well with you. Love you tons!
Oh, and I am unmotivated too. I need to do something about that. Ha. If only I knew what I was to do and what God has called me to do.
Have a wonderful night! Talk to you soon!
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