After tomorrow, I will officially have only three weeks of classes and one week of finals left in this semester. It is exciting and very frightening all at the same time. I have been looking forward to this moment for four years and this is a huge accomplishment for me. When I started college, and the year leading up to it, I was not convinced I would pull through as well as I have. I knew deep down that I would make it out because so many others had done so before me. Looking back I think I could have studied a bit harder, been involved in more activities, and pushed myself to be more active in general. But, I believe that in the context of the last four years I did the best I could given the situations at the time. I made the best decisions I could, and pushed myself when I wanted to quit or crawl in bed and get some sleep or when if I got one more email I was going to delete my account.
This past year has been the hardest year of my life so far, both physically and emotionally. I honestly can say I made it through last semester only by the huge graciousness of God. He also blessed me by helping me make the Dean's list. My mom showed me the letter I received only a few days after I had left Nashville for LA after Christmas Break. I want to have it framed as a reminder of what hard work will accomplish. I am very proud of that letter.
In my mind I am preparing to go back to Nashville and hopefully work my little behind off so I can save us some money. I am also getting ready for the mental transition out of "student" and into career woman, artist, and wife. Three very loaded roles. I also have to start going through all of my things in preparation for Aaron and I's move to LA. I guess since Aaron will probably be staying in LA I will have to tackle his belonging too. Although, he doesn't really have too much.
The senior exhibition will be opening this weekend. I am super excited. I was planning on getting my pieces fully installed this evening, but I have to get some of the wired moved around and to do that I have to take them back to the place I got them framed. I also noticed that one of the prints has something on it so I am going to have to get that reprinted in the morning and then have them replace the image with the new one. Something happened to the image at the framer and I just noticed it as I was cleaning the glass.
I keep forgetting this weekend is Easter. It just isn't the same without being with family. We get Good Friday off from school which doesn't effect me because I do not have classes on Fridays anyways. In the South, religion is truly a part of the everyday. Here it is not. I miss that feeling. I hate that I am not continually thinking about Easter and what it means and celebrating with my family. My family always does something big for the holidays. That is one thing I will truly miss, but hope to continue with my own children, even if it is only with our church family or friend family.